Thursday, February 23, 2017

week 3

Image result for labrinth jealous quote

The media piece is a song about jealousy of a guy who isn't close to a girl he likes everything else feels closer to the girl he likes then him, she left him and now he is upset, he gets jealous of the rain, he gets jealous of the nights he doesn't spend with him. This is more about emotion then action, he wants to let the girl he loved that he wants the best for her even though she left him now he's broken and jealous of everything around her, he sings this in this song "I'm jealous of the rain" "I'm jealous of the wind". What he means by this is that he wants her to do everything with him but they are distant now and all he can do is watch. It shows how he has a special connection with this girl he cares about her and is still getting jealous over little things that he is not involved in. This shows that when in pain we tend to get emotional and then music is produced to let our emotions out a safer way other then abuse.
Quote of the week
"By the world, I think my wife be honest, and think she is not; I think that thou art just, and think thou art not. I'll have some proof"

I believe this means that without proof you will never know whether something is true, Othello is saying that until he gets proof that Desdemona is cheating on him he will think of her as honest but with proof he can know surely.
Personal connection
I personally haven't had an encounter like this but saying someone is cheating on you surely you will need proof and without it you only have a claim, with no proof. I had friend who thought he was being cheated on so he set out to get proof it was true before he knew it he had proof and she was sadly cheating on him.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

week 2

The jealous man who assaulted ex-girlfriend with a Cornetto

In November 2014, a couple who had split up or took a short three week break of each other, had recently met up and when they did the female had told her ex-boyfriend Moses about her love life during the short three week period something upset Moses and immediately reacted by shoving a Cornetto (ice cream) in her face. She filed a lawsuit for assault and came out empty handed due to this being Moses first offense. It shows how out of jealousy we act without thinking and in this case Moses shoved a ice cream into his ex-girlfriends face. It shows how other people care about others actions even if your not with them and in this case a lovely women got a ice cream shoved in her face. By the way Moses and his girl are back together maybe they were really in love.
Article 8 Ice cream take down
Quote of the week

"The thought whereof doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; and nothing can or shall content my soul till I am evened with him."

This quote is saying that until the thought of something is satisfied it will float inside of you till revenge is used and you are satisfied.
Iago feels downgraded not having the lieutenant spot and not having Desdemona since the beginning, Iago is acting very sneaky and planning revenge on all of them to get what he wants.

Personal connection

I have a friend who's girlfriend recently was stolen by him by one of his close friends now he is upset and is planning revenge to get both of them back although it is the wrong thing to do he is sure of this, he seeks revenge for their actions, and he told me he won't be happy unless something is done to them. I also once seen a situation a restaurant where a female was having lunch with her spouse and she caught him looking at another girl so she picked up a glass of ice water and dumped it on him and left. I feel like all people react to jealousy differently but it's all on how close you feel to another person.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 1

Left: Lowell Turpin (Anderson County Sheriff’s Office). Right: Mitt Romney. (Wikimedia Commons)
Week 1
Jealousy Article 4                                              Summary
Jealousy is a very serious thing looking at this man who got jealous over a picture of Mitt Romney, thinking it was a guy his girlfriend was having an affair with he grabbed her laptop where the picture of Mitt Romney was present and threw it against the wall after that act of stupidity he punched his wife. Jealousy can take over ones actions but before you act please think and discuss don't assume your wife is having a thing for a famous person.

                                                                            Quote of the Week
" I hate Moor, and it is thought abroad that 'twixt my sheets h'as done my office. I know not if't be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety"

Iago is suspicious that his wife is cheating on him, he is upset about it even though he doesn't know if the rumor is true. Iago is upset in his mind and the rumor to him inside his thoughts is absolutely true. He is mad about this and looking at Desdemona differently with suspicion.

                                                        Personal Connection
One time I watched my friend get jealous over a rumor he heard, I told him to investigate because without evidence you can get a answer, so I walked with him and he told me what he was gonna do about watching his girlfriend for anything that was out line or un normal, he acted very calmly about it and found out it wasn't true and that the person who said just wanted to get at him cause he liked his girl, so looking at this every one responds different to jealousy personally I would investigate and confront my girlfriend NEVER ACT VIOLENTLY when jealous use reason and put lust aside.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

All about me

I am 15 almost 16 and I play football and like to go to school. I have no pets and I play kicker in football. My parents are from Mexico. I am student athlete.

Image result for football kickerImage result for mexico