Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 1

Left: Lowell Turpin (Anderson County Sheriff’s Office). Right: Mitt Romney. (Wikimedia Commons)
Week 1
Jealousy Article 4                                              Summary
Jealousy is a very serious thing looking at this man who got jealous over a picture of Mitt Romney, thinking it was a guy his girlfriend was having an affair with he grabbed her laptop where the picture of Mitt Romney was present and threw it against the wall after that act of stupidity he punched his wife. Jealousy can take over ones actions but before you act please think and discuss don't assume your wife is having a thing for a famous person.

                                                                            Quote of the Week
" I hate Moor, and it is thought abroad that 'twixt my sheets h'as done my office. I know not if't be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety"

Iago is suspicious that his wife is cheating on him, he is upset about it even though he doesn't know if the rumor is true. Iago is upset in his mind and the rumor to him inside his thoughts is absolutely true. He is mad about this and looking at Desdemona differently with suspicion.

                                                        Personal Connection
One time I watched my friend get jealous over a rumor he heard, I told him to investigate because without evidence you can get a answer, so I walked with him and he told me what he was gonna do about watching his girlfriend for anything that was out line or un normal, he acted very calmly about it and found out it wasn't true and that the person who said just wanted to get at him cause he liked his girl, so looking at this every one responds different to jealousy personally I would investigate and confront my girlfriend NEVER ACT VIOLENTLY when jealous use reason and put lust aside.


  1. Assuming can make you look stupid, don't over reacted. I know someone who got locked up because he almost beat his girl up to death because he thought she was cheating. Don't assume

  2. Your analysis is very good but your summary could use some more work.

  3. Really good personal connection and analysis.

  4. I like the way you relate yourself to these situations, especially how the events fit perfectly with the story of Othello.
